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Vision Mission & Shared Committment


Plum Creek Elementary

Mission, Vision and Shared Commitment

Vision: Plum Creek Elementary will be a highly acclaimed model of educational excellence.

MissionPlum Creek Elementary believes that all students can learn at high levels and we are committed to focusing on the process of learning through effective collaboration with ALL stakeholders.  Shared Commitment: The teachers at Plum Creek Elementary pledge to:

  • accept no limits on the learning potential of any child
  • meet the individual learning needs of each child
  • create serious classroom learning environments
  • treat students, parents and colleagues with courtesy and respect
  • hold students, parents, and each other to the highest standards of performance
  • collaborate regularly with colleagues to seek and implement more effective strategies for helping each child achieve his or her academic potential
  • do whatever it takes - go the extra mile - to ensure that every student achieves or exceeds grade level academic expectations

These are unique and lofty statements however it is this culture which permeates the work at Plum Creek Elementary.  To reach our goal our staff believes that there are NO EXCUSES for poor effort and that student achievement is our responsibility.  Many exceptional systems are put in place to help achieve our goal. 

 We also share the district belief that we have a moral imperative to have each student graduate “college ready” in order to pursue a full range of post-secondary options and be prepared for life beyond high school.  Elementary education is the foundation for all future academic achievement.